Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Do You Desire a Slim and Sexy Waistline?

The beauty of the waist has been revered for ages. Even in today's age, where sex doesn't define power, a woman's sex appeal is strongly depicted through her appearance. Acknowledged in the glorious form of a woman, the beauty of the waist commands respect in all forms and here is how to do it.
A slim waist is exemplified as the tradition of beauty across cultures. A thin waistline and an attractive figure is the dream of all women; but only a few efforts at having and maintaining such an eye-catching figure.
Slim waistline
The most appealing thing about a woman's outline is her waist and so every woman wants to have nice abs that look slim and sexy. Most women who are considered to be attractive have bodies handsomely equipped with striking feminine curves.
To get that slim waist, every one needs to combine exercise with a good diet. You have to include a strict control over fatty, oily and sweet foods in your diet and healthy inclusion of fruits and salads, leafy green vegetables, egg whites and boiled chicken. Add exercises like swimming and walking.
Abs exercises only would not give you the skinny waist that you want. Until you do not attempt to burn your fat, you will still have "mud on rocks". If you want to see those sexy abs which you have hiding under flabby tummy, you will need to burn fat for showing it.
Exercises like swimming, rowing and walking help your body to burn fat, which is necessary for losing inches around your waist.
Reduce Stress
Stress may cause the growth of abdominal fat. Extreme stress sources in the discharge of Cortisol, and high levels of Cortisol stimulate storage of fat in the abdomen. Tension may be the reason of improper digestion leading to wind and bloating in stomach. With the help of yoga and meditation you can reduce stress, besides also try to find the causes of your stress and what should you do to eliminate it.
Still you have excess body fat that you can't get rid of, and then you clearly have to understand that it is basically the effect of taking in too many calories. It also comes from genetics or any other physical disorder.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3591555


Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

How to Get Slim

Everyone wishes to have a slim and fit body. Here are some easy and useful ways to have a slim body.

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People are aware of the consequences of obesity and hence, wish to have a slim and fit body. There may be a variety of reasons for a woman wishing to get slim quickly. She may either wish to fit into a swimsuit or a wedding gown or would simply wish to look gorgeous. The first thing that may come to anyone's mind is to subscribe to a rigorous diet. But, there are several pros and cons of following a diet. It is equally important to remain thin after effective weight loss. You must remember that diet, exercise and motivation, all the three, are equally important aspects that will help you. Let us take a look at the tips you can follow to have a slim body.

Healthy Eating Habits

Before beginning any diet, you must first observe your eating habits. Do you binge on food and end up eating more junk food? Have a check on the type and quantity of foods that you eat everyday. Keep a check on the foodstuffs that you eat and cut down on those that are not essential to the body. In order to have a slim body, you do not need to put yourself on a starvation diet, instead you should have smaller meals after every few hours. You should include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet and cut down on foodstuffs containing fats and sugars. Drinking water is another way to keep your stomach full. Do not have an extremely strict diet or you will only crave for more food. Remember, that healthy eating is the key to have a fit and slim body.

There is no alternative to exercise if you wish to get a slim body. Daily walking, jogging, running or swimming are the basic leg slimming exercises that will be helpful. You can even try calisthenics, as it really helps in getting rid of cellulite. Weightlifting and cardio exercises are the best fat burning exercises.

It is strongly recommended that you must not start any diet or exercise regime before consulting your doctor. Also do not think of imitating any diet and exercise routine followed by others. It is better to take help of professional trainers to be on the safer side.

Motivation is also equally important to lose weight and stay slim. You must follow the regular pattern of diet and exercises. Keep a daily check on your target and achievement and also reward yourself for even a little success. Motivation will help you to reach your target quickly. It is also necessary to have a positive approach in the right direction.
Plan and follow a balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle and have a slim body that will be a reason of envy for many.
By Madhura Pandit

Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-get-slim.html

Run To Get Slim | Running For Becoming Slim


Is it so important to run in order to become slim? Well if you want to become slim everything is important. If you do not sweat the extra fat out you will never get the best slim look that you have always craved for. The best way to lose those extra fats is to run and run till you get satisfied with the slimness that you have achieved. Here is a quick guide to boost the effects of running to make you more slim than you usually could with the simple running or jogging that you do.

To stay slim is the trend of the day is what people say. Which is quite true because you do not want to look fat while giving a stage presentation in front of so many people who will be watching you. In the corporate world of today it is very important that you look slim and appealing to the people who are watching your presentation. The best and the fastest way so far discovered in order to make you slim in the least possible time is the running method.

But if it was only running that would make you slim then why would I write such a huge document. There is lot more to it than just running down the lane. In order to get the best possible results from running you need to do the following few things in order to make sure that you get slim as quickly as possible:

1. In order to become slim it is better if you drink some lukewarm water before running down the lane. This will make sure that the tougher fats that are not so easily soluble get easily soluble and leave your body while you do your running.

2. There are two tricks which help you get slim faster: run as hard as you can till you become tired or jog for a fixed amount of time till you feel satisfied.

3. It is better if you get to drink some water if you are going to go for a longer jog.

4. One more better practice is to use jogging as a warm-up exercise and then continue with cycling: this will make sure that you will lose more fats get more slim and will also not get leg pain due to too much of running. It is also better to know how you should do cycling to become slim.

With the above said points you will be able to become slim as soon as possible. If you can add some lemon to the lukewarm water it is the best way to make you slim very quickly. The lukewarm water when mixed with lemon will break down the fats very easily which can be thrown out while you run thus rendering you a slim posture in the next few days.

Fastest Way To Go Slim


One of the best methods to lose those extra fats is to avoid eating anything at all. You really need to fast if you want those slim looks. But the fastest procedure is a bit more painful to follow.

     Drink lime mixed with water (preferably warm). That's it you are on steroids now. One major complaint that we get from people who are on a diet is: sleeping problems. People cannot sleep if the stomach is empty. Also take a look at get slim faster to know a few more get slim fast tricks.

     There is solution for the sleepless nights as well. Drink buttermilk (all its fats are extracted). Not only is it nutritious but it also brings you good sleep.

     Stop drinking as long as you are on a diet. Drinking on an empty stomach will churn your liver and render it in a condition which is the worst nightmare one can ever think of.
     Avoid drinking coffee or black tea during this routine (I am sure you do not want to suffer from gastric problem). That's it no exercise required. I will also teach the exercises part a bit later. Have a nice day.

Advantages Of Having A Slim Body

Have you ever thought of the advantages of having a cool and slim body? The advantages are not many, but are enough to make you feel like having one. Here is a list of the advantages of having a slim and cool body:

1. A slim body gives you a perfect corporate look (should not be too thin). If you are too slim then you need to look at the disadvantages of being too thin.
2. Slim people are active and get the ball rolling much quickly than the fat guys.
3. You have the advantage of playing sports very well. Good runners are generally thin people who have well-built legs which can support them for a faster run.
4. If you are a slim girl then there are great chances that you will have the boys turning back to take a look at you (which definitely is not true if you are too slim). This has to be topped up with a beautiful face with chubby cheeks and you are the slim darling of your college.
5. You are very active and lethargy will not have many chances to creep upon you.
6. You can eat as much as you like and yet retain the slim figure that you can boast of.
7. You will not have the problem of tight clothes (fat people get fatter after their meals and find that their clothes are getting tighter).
8. You can sit comfortably on any chair given to you (a problem which fat people encounter a lot: either the chair is too thin to support their bottom or they will not be able to sit on the chair for a long time because of over-weight problems). If you are too thin you will have back pain because your back is not enough cushiony to make you comfortable while sitting on tougher surfaces.
9. Spectacles look great on your faces!

People are of an opinion that in today’s times you need to be slim in order to have the celebrity attitude which people think boosts their confidence all the time. Feel proud of being slim and have a good day.




The Japanese Diet

Green tea, vegetables and fish? It is Japanese food time.

Japanese diet is one of the healthiest diets on the planet.Japanese people are by far some of the skinniest and healthiest people in the world. This is changing, though, as their diet is becoming similar to ours, but their traditional diet has many lessons for all of us.

The Japanese diet is not easy to follow for most westerners (despite the popularity of sushi) but many of the principles are worthy of being considered.

1. Japanese eat small amounts of many foods in each meal. Americans, on the other hand, appear to eat big amounts of the same food in each meal.

2. Japanese cooking is very light. They use broths to flavor the food instead of heavy sauces. One of these broths is dashi - it is sold in many gourmet stores or you can make it yourself.

3. Japanese eat rice, instead of bread. Rice is better than cheap bread full of sugar, but not superior to all breads.

4. Japanese eat a heavy breakfast. The breakfast in Japan is a complete meal similar to dinner, along with fish, rice and miso soup.

5. Japanese do enjoy desserts, but not very often and in a smaller amount.

6. No diet. Japanese women do not think of diets. However, in our own research, this is not quiet accurate anymore, but by all means, they are very skinny.

7. Japanese move a lot. While they do manufacture a lot of automobiles, walking or going on a bike is very much a part of daily Japanese life. Many old buildings do not have elevators and Japanese regulation does not require elevators for building with up to four floors - which means, plenty of opportunities to burn calories.

8. Japanese eat fish, seasonal vegetables, rice, soy, noodles, tea, and seasonal fruits.

9. Japanese bring beauty and harmony to the table. They use pretty sets of small dishes with different purposes.

10. Do not overeat. Stop eating when you are 80 per cent full.

Although to switch to a Japanese diet completely does not sound reasonable for many people, some Japanese dishes and principles are easy to incorporate in our lives and they can help us lose weight and enjoy food.


Fuss Project. Feeling fat and unattractive, try a new diet.

Feeling fat and unattractive, try a new diet.

Many women think that as the thrill of monogamy wanes and their partner’s spare tire waxes, they start to fantasize during sex that their spouse is someone else. My husband is now, with the passing of the great Paul Newman, The Hottest Man Alive as far as I’m concerned. But one night some weeks ago as I nestled against THMA, my afterglow was dimmed by a disturbing realization: I’d been imagining that I was someone else. And this was not my first time I have been doing it.

Lurking off to the bathroom, I flicked on the eco-friendly fluorescent lights: Bags hung under my darkcircled eyes and weird bumps were erupting on my forehead. I was twenty pounds overweight, my durty hair was scraped into a clump on top of my head, and I was dressed in a remarkably unflattering combination of a nursing top and maternity leggings (my 24-hour wardrobe since my daughter’s birth in July).

It wasn’t exactly news to me that I’d lost the thread but I’d fallen into an odd torpor that prevented action.. Which is funny, because I don’t usually tend toward depression. When the chips are down, I am more the berserker rage or hyperventilating anxiety type. I always say, Why sit at home feeling sad when you can walk over to a boutique and get into a senseless screaming match with a salesperson over some throw pillows, and then go back home feeling silly but also, better, oddly? Not that I’ve actually ever done that… but Todd, the store manager, if you’re reading this, your return policy sucks as bad as your attitude!

Anyway, I did not think this was a true depression. It was more that after years of big projects— graduate school, finding a job, snagging a boyfriend, getting married, buying a house, having children, and juggling work with it all—I was lost and exhausted on every level: physical, psychological, and spiritual. Okay, it’s time to bring sexy back, I told the greasy, gray apparition in the mirror.

If my life were a movie or even a stupid TV show, this is the point at which a team of producers, munchkins, or gay men would whisk me off in an Escalade and make over my life in a peppy montage of Pilates, hair-curling, salad-eating, and closet-cleaning. But as I am a woman, I knew I’d be doing this the old-fashioned way: with a self-help book.


AN EGG DIET. What You Eat on The Egg Diet.

It is rumoured that Adrian Brody ate nothing but hard boiled eggs for one month in order to lose weight for his role in"The Pianist". He lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks and his effort earned him an Academy Award. Because of this talk, a lot of people are curious if eating nothing but eggs is a good way to lose weight.

Here is what Brody ate in his own words: "I had 2 boiled eggs, and then I had nothing for about 5 hours, then a small piece of chicken, grilled, and then 4 or 5 hours later a small piece of fish and a few steamed vegetables."He says about the experience:
"There is an emptiness that comes with really starving that I hadn't experienced ... I couldn't have acted that without knowing it. I've experienced loss, I've experienced sadness in my life, but I didn't know the desperation that comes with hunger."

What is The Egg Diet

The Egg Diet is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It is a variant of the Atkins diet but involves eating slightly more eggs.

What You Eat on The Egg Diet

Unlimited high protein foods like cheese, eggs, and meat. Fat or calories are not counted. Unlimited vegetables as long as they are not sweet or starchy. Lots of salad with tons of your favorite dressing is just fine, but a baked potato is off limits. In fact, all breads, sweets, pasta, and other starchy foods are off limits. Most processed food is also off limits because it is high in carbohydrates.

How The Egg Diet Helps You Lose Weight

Some people have successfully lost weight by following the Egg Diet. But despite this, there are still some serious outstanding health issues associated with high protein diets and some weight loss experts are not ready to approve the benefits of high protein low carb diets.

Weight Loss Diets

There's no such thing as a perfect weight loss diet. Almost all weight loss diets help us lose weight and teach us something about healthy weight control. But exercise is an important part of all weight loss programs, so set aside enough time for physical exercises.


How to Stick To a Diet and Enjoy Sweets

Even if you are on a diet, you can still eat your favourite confection and other empty calorie treats. Whether you love cookies, chocolate, chips or any other indulgence, with some basic knowledge, you can eat your favourite treats while still being successful at loosing weight and staying healthy!


1. Figure out how many calories worth of confection you will alow yourself a day. Around 200 or 300 calories on a regular day is reasonable.

3. Buy sugar free confection. Many health food stores sell these in bulk. But still you should not eat large amounts of these (they contain aspartame and artificial sweeteners which may cause cancer) but they do help satisfy small cravings.

2. When eating confection, use portion control. You can now buy Christies Thinsations cookies and snacks in 100 calorie packs. Not only are they all your favourite treats (Oreos, Chips Ahoy, graham crackers, bits and bites...) but they are packaged with one serving in each bag. Also, Cadbury Thins as well as KitKat and Aero Singles are chocolate bars that have very few calories.

4. Burn the extra calories. If you eat 200 calories worth of confection or other empty calories , then you will need to burn the extra calories that you consumed. In order to loose weight, you will need to burn more calories then the sum of the calories of everything that you ate, every day.

Burn Calories - NOTE-the amount of calories burned is based on a 130 pound adult. The calories burned are higher if you weigh more.


How to Keep to Your Diet and Don't Give Up

Writing down what you eat is one basic rule. A 2-nd rule is to read the food labels. Be convinced of your food items including a lot of fiber and little fat, that equates to a lot of fruits, vegetables, peas and beans and low fat dairy products.

1. Do not buy non-diet foods. If it is not in the house, you cannot eat it. If you need a treat and have earned it (by eating well or exercising, not having a bad day) go out and buy one cookie. Do not keep a bag of special treat cookies in the house, they only convince you that you deserve one when you do not. When you deserve one, have one. Or better yet, think of a way you can treat yourself that has nothing to do with food!
2. Eat a snack if you're starting to get hungry but have a few hours till dinner or lunch - especially important around 4 pm, when you are between lunch and dinner. If you wait and starve yourself you will be more likely to overeat or eat too fast at dinner.
3. Don't forget, if you eat bar peanuts compulsively, sit away from the bowl. You will be less likely to reach over someone else to get to them. Find interesting exercise. Join a cool gym that has fun classes, go somewhere beautiful to walk, enroll in a dance class with friends. Get friends to do it with you so that you have company and moral support and someone to hold you accountable, and maybe buy a dog if you really need someone to remind you to go outside twice a day.
4. Remember that if you are engaging in an activity that you usually snack during, find something to do with your hands instead of eating. Take up knitting, learn to sew, write those thank-you cards, anything to keep you from munching mindlessly while you are watching TV or something.
5. Eat more dense foods like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, these foods will curb your cravings. These foods are very healthy for you, so you do not have to worry about gains. Do not eat them cooked, eat them raw. (cooking vegetables removes the density of it.)
6. Know that if you are really craving something, like candies, just eat a few. Do not try to satisfy the urge by eating everything else in the house. You will never feel as satisfied and will probably overeat. If you are compulsive, have a trusted friend dole out two to you and stick to it!
7. Be convinced of drinking plenty of water! Eight glasses every day! Sometimes when you are dehydrated you compensate by eating when really your body just needs water.


Exercises To Keep Your Body In Good Shape

* Do aerobic exercise 4 to 5 days a week. Aerobic activities, such as brisk walking, running, swimming and bike riding, burn calories and increase metabolism while you are working out. Several studies show that aerobic activities cause your metabolism to stay at an elevated level for a period of time after you have finished exercising.
* Work in strength-training exercise 2 to 3 days a week. Lifting weights and other strengthening activities, such as doing push-ups or crunches, on a regular basis will actually increase your resting metabolism all day. That is because these activities build muscle. And once more, muscle burns more calories than body fat. As a matter of fact, if you have more muscle, you burn more calories - even if you are sitting still.
* When it comes to supplements, I do not recommend them. The ingredients that are effective tend to increase metabolism only slightly and they can be risky. High doses of stimulants can make you jittery, and boost heart rate and blood pressure.
* The bottom line: The safest and most effective way to increase your metabolism is to eat an appropriate amount of food every 4 to 5 hours, incorporate a portion of lean protein into each meal, and exercise regularly.


Increase your metabolism and lose weight faster

You can go on a diet and workout so your body burns more calories.

In this installment we look at how you can increase your metabolism. Many dieters are quick to blame a slow metabolism process for their inability to lose weight. But do you control your metabolism? Yes and no.

Dieters often complain that they can not lose weight because they have a sluggish metabolism. Unfortunately, many corporations capitalize on this misconception by marketing products that promise to give consumers a so called “metabolic advantage” that helps melt away the pounds. Here is the true story:

What is metabolism?
Metabolism is the process that converts calories from food into energy. People often believe that a slim person’s metabolism is quick and a corpulent person’s metabolism is slow, but this is not usually the case. Metabolism alone doesn't determine your weight. Rather, weight is dependent on the balance of calories consumed versus the calories burned. Eat more calories than your body needs — you gain weight. Eat fewer calories than your body needs — you lose weight. Metabolism is just the body’s engine that burns calories and regulates your caloric needs.

3 ways your body burns calories:

* Basic body functions. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories you need to sustain vital functions — digestion, blood circulation, breathing, adjustment of hormone levels, cell growth and repair and so on . Typically, your basal metabolic rate makes up 66% to 75% of the total calories your body requires for a day.
* Digestion and absorption of food. About 10% of your day’s calories are burned digesting and absorbing the food you eat. Yes, you actually need calories to burn your calories.
* Exercise. Daily physical activity accounts for the rest of the calories burned.

What you can not control in your metabolism:

* Age: Metabolism slows about 5% for each decade after 40. That is because when we get older, we tend to lose muscle and gain body fat. Lean muscle mass is more metabolically active than fat tissue. So when you lose muscle mass, your metabolism decreases.
* Gender: Men generally have faster metabolisms than women because they are larger and have less body fat. Men’s basal metabolic rate is estimated to be 10% to 15% higher than women’s.
* Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid will decrease your metabolism and ultimately lead to weight gain. But a simple blood test can determine whether you have this condition or not. If you do, you can control it with the proper medication.
* Genetics: Some people are lucky enough to be born with high metabolisms — and others are not.

What you can control in your metabolism:

* Do not eat less than 1,000 calories a day. Your body and metabolism thrive on food. When you fast or crash diet, your metabolism will decrease in order to conserve energy. Imagine your metabolism as a blazing fire. If the fire burns consistently with the appropriate amount of high-quality wood, it will burn at a steady rate. But if it does not have enough wood, the fire goes out. If it has too much wood, it can get out control — just like your waistline!
* Eat every 4 or 5 hours. Our bodies work hard to digest and absorb the meals we eat, and your metabolism revs up in response. This is called the thermic effect of food. Take full advantage of this and schedule meals and snacks every 4 or 5 hours.
* Make breakfast a priority. Studies show that people who regularly eat a high-calorie breakfast within two hours of rising are more likely to control their weight. This may be because you are lifting your metabolic rate after it is been in a “resting phase” during the night.
* Eat protein with every meal: All meals create a thermic effect and will slightly increase your metabolism. But eating protein gives your body a bigger metabolic increasing than eating carbohydrates or fats. Moreover, eating enough protein will ensure you will maintain and build muscle mass. (Don't forget, the more muscle mass you have, the greater your metabolic rate). Make sure to incorporate lean protein into most every meal.

Best protein sources: fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, lean red meat, skim milk, nonfat yogurt, eggs and egg substitutes, tofu, beans, and lentils.

Meal Examples:

* Breakfast: bread with butter, 2 soft-boiled eggs, or eggs fried with bacon.
* Lunch: turkey burger on whole-grain bun and a salad
* Dinner: chicken or vegetable soup and salad
* Supper: little yoghurt or nothing

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

How to Stay Slim and Sexy Without Diet and Sports Source: http://www.shvoong.com/how-to/health/2313879-stay-slim-sexy-diet-sports/#ixzz28H6WW8rW

No need to exercise atu ngegym to the gym and dieting furiously to keep the body awake. Quite a healthy lifestyle to stay fit and alert, like breakfast, eating smaller portions, and others are more enough to make you stay slim and sexy. Here are some carabnya;

1. Vegetable
Make sure half your meals filled with vegetables. Vegetables contain fiber and water that will facilitate digestion and keep your body weight.

2. Small Portion
If you want to stay slim, always message your food in small portions. Nutritionists, Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN advised to always order the small size, good for coffee, soup, or frozen yogurt.

3. Salad or Soup
Before getting to the main menu, do not forget to order a salad or a soup than a basket of bread or other. Salads and soups have low calories but much filling, and you will not eat excessive amounts of food served at the main meal.

4. Leave food
Before starting to eat, make it a habit to set aside a quarter of your meals. For the rest of your meal with friends or family when eating together.

5. Drink Lots of Water
Sometimes you do not realize if you are really hungry or just thirsty? For that, try drinking a glass of water every time you feel like eating something. You can also add lemon juice to taste and additional vitamins.

6. Avoid Eating at Home TV
When watching a movie, it''s fun when accompanied by a favorite snack. But without realizing it, you will continue to chew and hard to stop eating. If you are hungry, you can eat fruits and vegetables.

7. Wheat
Eating foods that contain whole grains such as whole wheat bread, would be better than regular bread. Regular bread will cause the fat if you do not burn calories.

8. Breakfast
Before starting the daily activities, do not forget to have breakfast. Breakfast is useful also to prevent excessive eating in the evening.

9. Start Exercising
Exercise is good for your health, but you do not need to bother with the gym to do it, you just walk up the stairs or the office, keep your three hours a week doing this.

10. Avoid Eating By Sleep
Try not to eat something before going to sleep, because during sleep the body does not process calories obtained from the food you eat.

11. Do Sachet Sugar Consumption
Enjoy coffee or tea will taste less sweet without sugar. You simply enter a tablespoon of sugar or replace it with honey.

12. Snack
Before you go for a walk you try to eat small meals in advance, so that they would not eat excessive amounts of food.

Article Review   by:oll_lebowski 

Source: http://www.shvoong.com/how-to/health/2313879-stay-slim-sexy-diet-sports/#ixzz28H6hQD6r